Cover Up: Hillary Clinton’s Parkinson’s Disease

Hillary Clinton’s rapidly declining health is the story that mainstream media does not want to tell. Despite her troubling medical history, lack of transparency, and recent episodes, the obvious infirmities remain unaddressed. Despite being among the top subjects for Google searches, mainstream outlets avoid the subject of Clinton’s bad health and odd behavior.

The vast collusion between government and the propaganda arm of government known as the “free press” became especially apparent this year with many high profile pundits and reporters going on record with their intent to shame and destroy the GOP nominee and his supporters, who pack stadiums as Clinton struggles to fill tiny auditoriums. The recent Wikileaks release of 20,000 emails from the Democrat National Committee (DNC) showed exactly how DNC officials conspired with mainstream news orgs to assist Clinton and spread lies and false stories to damage the campaigns of Trump and Sanders.

Three high-ranking DNC officials were forced to resign in disgrace, including chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Shultz. She was immediately hired by the Clinton campaign. News outlets largely ignored the scandal, more interested in trying to baselessly implicate Trump for hacking the DNC. They never point the finger at themselves.

It is unreasonable to expect unbiased reporting from media institutions whose leadership is so intertwined with government.


Corrupt molders of the national discourse and setters of boundaries are intent on placing the unlikeable matriarch of the Clinton crime family into the nation’s highest office. Their ranks include news orgs typically identified as “conservative,” such as the Blaze, Red State, Weekly Standard, National Review, and Fox News (excepting Sean Hannity) whose owners favor the globalist policies that Trump has vowed to roll back.

Like their liberal counterparts, faux-conservative #NeverTrump outlets are trying to convey the Presidency to Hillary. Consequently, they also have little or nothing to say about Hillary’s dire health.

In recent weeks, however, the decline has become too severe to further hide or ignore.

On August 8, 2016, the Washington Post broke the embargo with an article that acknowledged the cover-up and noted:

The latest contretemps is over the health of Hillary Clinton, and whether there should be any discussion of it, and if so, how, and who should do the discussing. Her stumbling, fainting, severe coughing and moments of odd behavior on the campaign have been much talked about by the reporters following her, but this knowledge was veiled in a discreet silence, until now.

Last week, independent journalist Mike Cervonivich posted an analysis by a board-certified Anesthesiologist that makes a good case that the sixty-eight year old is suffering from Parkinson’s disease.

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a long term disorder of the central nervous system that mainly affects the motor system.[1] The symptoms generally come on slowly over time. Early in the disease, the most obvious are shaking, rigidity, slowness of movement, and difficulty with walking.[1] Thinking and behavioral problems may also occur. Dementia becomes common in the advanced stages of the disease. Depression and anxiety are also common occurring in more than a third of people with PD.[2] Other symptoms include sensory, sleep, and emotional problems.[1][2] The main motor symptoms are collectively called “parkinsonism”, or a “parkinsonian syndrome”.[3][4]

Source: Wikipedia

A diagnosis of Parkinson’s explains the recurrent balance problems, poor motor skills, fatigue, dyskinesia (difficulty or distortion with voluntary movement), bradykinesia (slowness of movement and frozen facial expression), coughing fits, and extended bouts of inappropriate laughter. Losing balance is an early sign of Parkinson’s disease and this has been a problem over the last several years for Clinton. It was a fall that brought about the two serious health problems that are public knowledge: the blood clot on her brain and post-concussion syndrome.

These injuries took a heavy toll and could only hasten the progression of Parkinson’s disease.


In late December of 2012, Clinton was treated at New York Presbyterian Hospital, where she was put on blood thinners to dissolve a blood clot in the venous sinus cavities surrounding her brain. The blood clot came about due to a head injury she sustained after she collapsed at home. Clinton was reportedly sick with stomach flu, fainted, and struck her head so hard that she got a concussion. This followed an earlier fall on the way into the White House on June 17, 2009 where she broke her elbow.

The Secretary of State missed three weeks of work as she underwent treatment for the blood clot on her brain. Doctors told her to rest and avoid any strenuous activity. The following month she arrived to testify before the House Select Committee on Benghazi wearing a pair of Fresnel Prism eyeglasses used to treat double vision.

A concussion is a mild form of traumatic brain injury. Post concussion symptoms include: headaches, cognitive problems (e.g. difficulty concentrating), emotional and behavioral issues (e.g. irritability), and double-vision. Symptoms can linger for up to a year and 15% of concussed individuals have permanent symptoms. This ratio increases significantly for persons sixty-five and older.

The glasses indicated that Clinton sustained nerve damage that caused double-vision and was still experiencing post-concussion syndrome. During her testimony, she grew visibly agitated and yelled “What difference, at this point, does it make?” regarding the deaths of Ambassador Chris Stephens and three other Americans under her watch.

In an email dated January 26, 2013, Huma Abedin noted that Clinton “is often confused.” This was the start of the period of time later disclosed by Bill Clinton as his wife’s difficult six month rehab for post-concussion syndrome.

In May, 2014,  Karl Rove stunned an audience of journos at a media panel in L.A. by merely speaking publicly about Clinton’s therapeutic Fresnel glasses and noting that they are prescribed to address symptoms of traumatic brain injury. The unremarkable observation sent mainstream news media into a frenzy of protectionist ire against the GOPe advisor, who was falsely accused of claiming that Hillary had permanent brain-damage.

Later that month, at another panel, Bill Clinton attempted to assuage concerns by joking about brain damage. “Now they say she’s really got brain damage,” he drawled. “If she does I must be in really tough shape because she’s still quicker than I am.”

It wasn’t quite reassuring. In his effort to allay concerns about his wife’s health, Bill Clinton revealed that Hillary’s post concussion recovery had actually been much longer and more intensive than previously disclosed. “It required six months of very serious work to get over,” he said.

Except she isn’t over it. Evidence from the last several months shows that Hillary Clinton is unwell.


February 17, 2016: Clinton was again wearing the Fresnel glasses after suffering a coughing fit earlier that day during a speech in Harlem where she was unable to speak for three minutes. Earlier that week, she had another coughing fit during a speech. This was also close to the time when the photo was taken showing her needing assistance to climb a short set of stairs.

Coughing fits have been a persistent, unexplained problem for Clinton. They are symptomatic of Parkinson’s due to the difficulty with swallowing that is brought on by the disease. Aspiration pneumonia is the most common cause of death in Parkinson’s disease.

June 10, 2016: Clinton suffered what appeared to be a mini-seizure while speaking with reporters at the Uprising Muffin Co. in Washington, D.C. After she wrapped up her response to one reporter, a group of reporters on her other side asked if she had spoken to Elizabeth Warren about the VP slot. Clinton’s head began spasmodically snapping back and forth.

The spasm was consistent with a dyskensia tic brought on by the medication (levdopa) used to treat Parkinson’s disease. Triggered by relatively moderate stimuli, Parkinson’s Disease LevoDopa Induced Dyskinesia causes a person’s voluntary motor controls to switch “off” and “on.”

People who experience dyskinesia sometimes mask the involuntary movement with finalistic movements (if the arm starts moving on its own, they might bring it to their head and adjust their hair, as if it was planned)

Source: Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research

Clinton plastered a weird smile on her face as her head snapped back and forth, then jerked her head a few more times like it was a comedy routine before she came out of it and grandly announced “You’ve got to try the Chai!”, appropos of nothing.

The CBS reporter who tweeted the original video generously characterized Clinton as “momentarily startled” by the question, but it was hardly a startling question.

The following month, CBS News ran the only story they’ve done on Clinton’s health and hilariously claimed she was healthier and more transparent than Donald Trump, who has no history of serious health problems and is on no medications (recall that the President of CBS News is David Rhodes, who is brother to the Obama White House’s chief propagandist Ben Rhodes).

July 28, 2016: during the balloon drop at the conclusion of the Democrat National Convention, Hillary’s face broke into a weird open-mouthed expression with her eyes pinned wide open as she gazed upward. The unnatural expression was frozen on her face for a couple seconds before she snapped out of it. It was consistent with Parkinson’s-related bradykinesia.

July 31, 2016: during a rare Fox News interview, Clinton oddly stated that FBI Director James Comey had confirmed that she was truthful in her public statements about never sending classified emails. In fact, this was the direct opposite of what the FBI Director said.

After Chris Wallace showed her the video of Comey testifying that those public statements were untrue, Clinton responded by saying she had “looked at the whole transcript of everything that was said” and using two emails was a mistake.

The following week, she attempted to clarify and walk back the falsity during an appearance before the pro-Clinton advocates of the National Associations of Black and Hispanic Journalists, who threw softballs and applauded her pandering answers.

On the subject of the prior week’s Fox News interview, Clinton said: “I may have short-circuited it and for that I, ah, you know, will try to clarify…” and stumbled through a meandering non-clarification that didn’t make sense.

Clinton often exhibits a haphazard, brain-fogged manner when speaking extemporaneously that can be attributed to Parkinson’s disease and/or resulting effects of her brain injury and blood clot plus the combination of powerful drugs she must take on a daily basis. This is why she hasn’t had a press conference since December, 2015, when she accepted seven questions from reporters in Deer Park, Iowa.

Over 250 days is a remarkable, unprecedented span for a Presidential candidate to go without a press conference, but the Democrat nominee’s contact with the press has been restricted to small friendly gatherings with a few pre-screened questions or one-on-one interviews where questions are typically disclosed beforehand. Additionally, nearly all her interviewers range from friendly to fawning. Facing a single reporter asking non-laudatory questions can cause her to “short circuit.”

Trump, by contrast, routinely fields hostile questions from hostile reporters for lengthy periods and handles it with ease. Contrary to biased reporting, Trump speaks more substantively about foreign and domestic policy than Clinton.

August 4, 2016: at a Las Vegas rally, Clinton came to a full stop when animal rights protesters interrupted her speech. She froze, staring fixedly at the protesters. The Secret Service detail rushed the stage. One vaulted to the podium beside Clinton and spoke into her ear. Because he was standing close to the mic, his words were audible.

“You’re okay,” he said and patted her on the back.

Clinton didn’t turn or acknowledge him. She remained still, lips pursed. She looked jammed up. Seconds passed. Hollers emanated from the crowd.

“Keep talking. You handle it. We’re not going anywhere,” the somewhat heavyset man assured.

The words appeared to break the spell and Clinton snapped out of it. “Okay, here we are,” she announced and forced a throaty laugh. As Clinton advised her protesters to go protest Trump because “he’s killed a lot of animals,” the somewhat heavyset man moved behind her to the other side of the podium and directed two younger flaptop Secret Service agents off the stage.

In his interactions with Clinton, the man acted more like an emotional coach than Secret Service detail. He’s since been identified as Secret Service Assistant Special Agent in Charge Todd Madison but the coaching seemed intended to “reboot” the nominee. He also carries an object that could be an autoinjector for anti-seizure medication, such as diazepam (valium), whose side effects include memory loss and mental fogginess.

Even discounting diazepam, Clinton is known to take a combination of powerful medications with serious physical and cognitive side effects. In addition to antihistamines and Vitamin B12, Clinton takes Armour Thyroid, a supplement made from pig thyroid glands, for thyroid problems.

She also takes blood thinner Coumadin, which causes a severe risk of hemmouraghes (severe bleeding) in persons sixty-five or older, as well as pain, swelling, hot or cold feeling, skin changes, severe leg or foot pain, foot ulcers, sudden headaches, dizziness, and weakness.


On August 12, 2016, the Clinton campaign, in an attempt to quell concerns and try (again) to humanize the nominee, unveiled the candidate’s first podcast. For fifteen minutes, she spoke with Max Linsky, an admitted non-journalist and Clinton supporter. Unmentioned by Linsky was the fact that he is also on the Clinton campaign payroll.

Linsky provided fawning, non-threatening questions but the answers were not good. In response to softballs, Clinton cheerfully described feeling overwhelmed, fatigued, burnt out, unable to wake, unable to stand, unable to function, and collapsing with exhaustion at the end of the day. During the brief interview, she repeatedly circled back to the same themes.

LINSKY: “I heard a rumor that you don’t use an alarm clock,”

CLINTON: “No, that’s not true. That is not true. That’s another one of those rumors people spread. I usually wake up before my alarm clock goes off so, technically, maybe that’s right, but I do have my phone and sometimes if I’m really tired when I, you know, collapse, it’s backed up by a real alarm clock.”

LINSKY: “Do you have like a ringtone that you play?”

CLINTON: “The most obnoxious sound that I could find on the ringtones.”

LINSKY: “That crazy siren one?”

CLINTON: “Yes, yes. Exactly.”

LINSKY: “That’s the one my kid loves.”

CLINTON: “Me and your kid, we’re together on this. We need something that [empathically] pierces through our deepest consciousness.” (chuckles)

She described feeling completely drained by the Democrat National Convention.

CLINTON: “By the end of those two weeks that’s exactly how I felt, it was, ‘Oh my gosh, I don’t know that I can get up, let alone what I will do if I am vertical.’

She described her health routine.

CLINTON: “I, knock on wood, am pretty lucky because I have a lot of stamina and endurance, which is necessary in the kind of campaign I’m engaged in. But I also … try to eat right, not always succeeding but try, try to get enough sleep, try to get exercise. Now I’m not going to pretend that I like it because I don’t but between yoga and walking, getting on the treadmill, some weights, I try to keep up.”

Linsky served up a final softball. Hillary again went back to feeling “burnt out” and “collapsing.”

LINSKY: “What do you think tonight will be the last thing you’re thinking about before you fall asleep?”

CLINTON: “Well, probably my grandchildren. I Facetime with them and lots of time on the plane when I just can’t think about anything else because I’m just so burnt out, I’ll take my phone out and look at all the little videos and the pictures and put a smile on my face and then collapse.”


At this point, Clinton’s infirmities are so severe that she has trouble even pretending otherwise. No reasonable person can believe she does yoga. Her first podcast sounds like a cry for help.

Overwhelmed by the day-to-day rigors of her Presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton is neither physically nor mentally equipped to handle the highest office. Presumably, this is no problem for the coterie of powerful interests intent on placing her there to extend the Obama policies that have brought so much terror to the world and decimated the middle class.

Once in office, Madam President’s affliction will be revealed and the electorate will be bullied into supporting a President with late stage Parkinson’s disease because to do otherwise would constitute discrimination against the handicapped.

And that’s not who we are.

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